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I became interested in game development during high-school. Inspired by how much creativity could be expressed through simple pixel art games like Undertale and Baba Is You, I started teaching myself to make simple arcade games in Gamemaker Studio 2.

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Solo Passion Project

I began working on a passion project that could incorporate some of my arcade-style gameplay projects as minigames within a larger experience. I took inspiration from Nintendo Games such as Super Mario 64, Super Mario Party, and the more niche "Carnival Games" for the DS. I aimed to create a colourful kids game set in a carnival, that could function both as an exciting non-linear world to explore for single player, and a diverse and chaotic party game for two players.

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Game Jams and Networking

My carnival game turned into "Baldwin's Bear", and I started planning how I would release it. I realised the game didn't stand out enough, so I transitioned from pixel-art to clay-mation. This allowed me to create a unique and charming artstyle even with my limited resources.

I also became more involved in local and online game dev communities, attending events such as Beer and Pixels and participating in game jams.

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Game Released

I released Baldwin's Bear on Steam in April, and took a short break from game development to focus on my HSC.



With a Steam game and a few projects under my belt, I was offered an opportunity to study Game Design at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment Sydney. This was a big shift in my approach to game development - I knew how to make my own passion projects, but studying helped me take a more professional approach


I applied myself to learning all that I could about target markets, gameplay loops, iterative design, and anything that would help me transition from a solo hobbyist to a professional Game Designer.

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I continued in my Advanced Diploma of Games Design, but outside of Uni I started making a lot of small prototypes in my spare time, to expand my portfolio and skillset.

Industry Experience
In the second half of the year I was offered a paid internship doing Quality Assurance for SMG Studios' biggest project yet. Initially it was only planned to be for about 3 months, but once I learned the ropes and established myself as a valuable member of the team, my contract was extended for 8 months (through to the end of the year).


I also did some Level Design for the studio's multiplayer puzzle game Death Squared. Having made a few of my own puzzle games, the opportunity to make some levels for a professional project and recieve feedback from a Senior Designer was very validating and informative.

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Hi there! I'm Oscar Newsome, a Game Designer and Level Designer with a deep passion for creating memorable experiences for others. Lately I've been specialising in level design with a focus on engaging puzzles.


If you would like to contact me please reach out via email at, or connect with me on LinkedIn at

You can click here to download my Resume.


If you would like to play any of the games shown on this site, you can find them on at

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